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Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Temple of Doom

Actually that`s a thoroughly misleading title for this blog. Firstly let me apologise for my absence over the last few days. We`ve transferred to a hotel in Kyoto which is Japan`s second oldest city and despite it being a bit Western style hotel they clearly are used to catering for Japanese businessmen so have lots of facilities for you to plug your lap top in but only one computer for the rest of the hoi polloi to use. To their credit it is free but understandably this means you get big queues so by the time I`ve checked my email I feel I ought to allow the next person to use it - no time for blogging.

In fact if I suddenly stop writing this you know one of two things has occured. Either the hotel has been stormed by Samorai and Ninjas or there is someone else over my shoulder waiting to use the machine.

So For the last 3 days we`ve been on an organised tour, seeing the sights of Kyoto and Nara (which is the oldest city on Japan!). We`ve seen more temples than you can shake a bento box at. They`re all absolutely stunning and filled with incredible sights - one (of the 3 we saw today) had the world:s biggest Buddha in whilst another had 1000 golden buddhas all lined up like an army. Truly spectacular stuff and I have taken approx 3.5 gazillion photos of anything that looks remotely Japanese - which is pretty much everything.

You know how you see coach tours of Japanese "doing" England? Well I think it would be safe to say that we are "doing" Kyoto. We jump on and off our coaches, wizz round somewhere, jump back on with our postcards and lucky charms and off we zoom to the next location.

On the plus side yesterday I managed to taste the waters at one temple which apparently means I am now healthier, wealthier and more beautiful - the proof of this was when a couple of middle aged Japanese businessmen immediately waved to myself and my companion. So at least middleaged Japanese men now find me infinitely more attractive.

Must go....someone has just thrown some of those ninja stars at me and some heavily armoured warriors are shouting something.


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