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Sunday, 4 July 2010

Shoulder pads ahoy!

Finished off the rest of the packing - well except my wash bag and the clothes still drying on the clothes horse. Took a load of things out but when I did the old climb on the scales holding my suitcase routine it seems it's only just under the limit (and considering I'm likely to bring back more than I take that's not a good thing). Have moved my books to my hand luggage but I suspect I should remove lots more too.

Planned to clean the place today so that I come back to a lovely home rather than trying to work out if I've been burgled or not but got rather distracted watching Dynasty. My friend Vick has lent me the first three series and they're both glorious and shocking in equal measure. In the first series one of the characters takes Steven Carrington to a brothel to "fix him" from his homosexuality. As for the way women are treated and spoken to...well let's just say that I'm glad things have moved on. The fashions are hilarious too. So far no real shoulderpad action instead they all seem to walk round in their negligie and silk dressing gowns. Maybe that's why I always want to wear my jim jams - my own low class ode to the Colby/Carrington dynasty.

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